
Thoughts from the Director

The 2010 year ended on a high note for Prescott Creeks. We’d recently completed a second phase of fieldwork for our Watson Woods Riparian Preserve Restoration Project and we then had weather in the form of rain and snow. While this was a nerve-wracking time (as the newly completed work was at risk for scouring from flood waters), it was also an exciting time to actually see Granite Creek and its many tributaries at work. So far the restoration work is holding up to the weather and we are feeling cautiously optimistic – remembering the January storms last year that created so much havoc for all of us.

As I reflect on the end of the year, I’m also thankful to all the volunteers and members who helped Prescott Creeks improve riparian habitat and investigate water quality challenges here in the Granite Creek Watershed. I’m especially grateful that there was such a positive response to the Prescott Creeks Fall Appeal. Thanks go to each of you who responded with your support for Prescott Creeks.

The year 2011 started with a great article in the Daily Courier by Doug Cook which chronicled the 20 year history of Prescott Creeks. Combined with the support comments online, we are excited as we look forward. We are thinking not only of what work 2011 will hold, but looking to the future and contemplating how we would like our watershed and community to look 20 years from now. 2030 really isn’t that far off. I hope you’ll join us on this exciting journey.

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