America’s Most Endangered Rivers

Many of us remember when the Verde River was listed as one of America’s Most Endangered River. American Rivers has just release their current list of the Most endangered rivers.

This year marks the 40th anniversary of the Clean Water Act. And we will be talking a lot about clean water in our 2012 list of America’s Most Endangered Rivers©. Threats to supplies of clean, fresh, drinkable water abound across the nation and indeed the world. Decision-makers from Congress to local municipalities are making critical choices regarding the protection and funding of resources and infrastructure for the maintenance of clean water.

Now is the time for you to get involved in protecting your water supply, and let public officials know that clean water is so important! Help get the word out about America’s Most Endangered Rivers, and be part of the effort to protect our rivers and our clean water.

See which rivers made the list and read more about then here.

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